Laeticia Hallyday is once again justified on her relationship with Jalil Lespert

This Sunday, December 5, 2021 marks the fourth anniversary of the death of Johnny Hallyday. The rocker indeed died in 2017 in his house in Marnes-la-Coquette, at the age of 74, as a result of lung cancer. Like every year, his widow, Laeticia Hallyday honors her memory with a festive vigil on her grave, in Saint-Barthélemy.

The tributes this year started a little earlier with a ceremony organized in Los Angeles, to also celebrate the release of a new documentary “My name is Johnny” which takes us behind the scenes of the American concert tours of the Taulier. An event during which Jade and Joy, the youngest daughters of Johnny Hallyday spoke, on the verge of tears.

On the occasion of this sad anniversary, Laeticia Hallyday has agreed to answer questions from RTL radio journalists. “I learned to live with this bereavement, to be resilient too, to hang on to this future that must be built without it. I let time do its work, help me and accompany me, because it there is no cure for mourning “, she said.

The 46-year-old widow who has found love again in the arms of director Jalil Lespert with whom she lives in a new house in Los Angeles, explains that despite this new relationship, she will never forget her first love: “I keep talking about Johnny every day, honoring his memory. For me, he will never be gone, he will always be there in my heart, he is part of me and of my life” said the mother of the family.

“It’s complicated to relearn how to love when you’ve loved a man like Johnny, when you’ve loved a man unconditionally, it takes time. Today, I’m getting there by telling myself that he would be proud, he wanted that I am rebuilding my life, for myself and for my daughters “ concluded the pretty blonde.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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