Laeticia Hallyday evokes for the first time the ordeal they are experiencing on social networks

A public figure cannot please everyone, but that does not explain the cyberharassment and lynching that she can sometimes experience, especially when she is very young. Unfortunately,Jade

And Joy, the daughters of Laeticia Hallyday and Johnny Hallyday, witness it. Aged 19 and 15 respectively, these two teenagers sometimes have to face horror on social networks with each publication.

Some people consider them vulgar, and virulent Internet users even claim that the Taulier could “return to one’s grave” if he could see the way his daughters dress or behave. These attacks and insults, sexist or misogynistic comments, are painful, especially on the side of Laeticia Hallyday. The one who has just revealed an unpublished title by her late husband was invited by Steven Bellery on RTLMorning

this Friday, November 17, 2023, where she addressed the subject of cyberharassment, which is often very violent.

Also see: Laeticia, Jade and Joy Hallyday: thanks to Gims, debts are forgotten!

Laeticia Hallyday shocked by the attacks against her daughters

“It’s extremely painful for them. It’s on social networks every day. I try to protect them as best I can. We talk about it a lot. They are affected, very affected”, she assured our colleagues. Taulier’s widow deplores the fact that it is a “gratuitous violence” hidden behind a computer. “With words that hurt, that damage, that can dent you for the rest of your life”she continues, still saddened by the situation.

Laeticia Hallyday is worried about her daughters, especially since they are going through a difficult bereavement that occurred almost six years ago, when Johnny Hallyday left us on December 5, 2017. Add to that “complicated family stories in the public square” and the fact that Taulier’s ex-partner is raising his daughters “all alone”and you get a very complicated life for the two teenage girls.


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