Laeticia Hallyday and Joy on Johnny’s grave: Jade absent, she speaks from a distance …

Four years ago, Johnny Hallyday died of lung cancer at the age of 74. Since then, his widow Laeticia Hallyday and his daughters, Jade and Joy (17 and 13 years old), have continued to keep his memory alive between France, California and the island of Saint-Barthélémy. On December 5, 2021, to commemorate this sad anniversary, a new tribute vigil was organized at the tomb of Taulier, in the marine cemetery of Lorient.

Surrounded by many friends and fans, with the hits of Johnny in the background, Laeticia Hallyday and her younger sister Joy still spent an evening by candlelight rich in emotion. Some witnesses have also immortalized this tribute meeting on social networks. Actor and director Jalil Lespert, who has shared the widow’s life for a year now, was also present. On the other hand, Jade Hallyday remained in Los Angeles, retained by her end-of-year exams. While waiting to join her family at the end of the week, she sent a tender message to her late dad on Instagram …

Four years since you left us dad, every day goes by without your presence and every day I feel this sorrow. There isn’t a day that I don’t think about you and to all our past moments. I will never forget all of our created memories“, she wrote in the caption of a souvenir photo, before continuing in English:”I miss you daddy, I miss everything about you. I just wish I could hold you tight. I love you more than anything. I’m sure you are looking out for the three of us and are by our side. I hope you are proud of who I have become. “

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