Lady Gaga at the Paris Olympics?

The bets are on! Rumors are mounting that Lady Gaga will be attending the Olympic opening ceremony on Friday night.

The singer is currently in Paris. She was spotted Monday with her partner Michael Polansky, leaving a hotel in the French capital. As can be seen in several videos and photos published by delirious fans on the social network X.

France Télévisions also released a “teaser” in which fans are convinced they have recognized Lady Gaga. Internet users claim to have identified the silhouette of the singer, dressed in black and sitting with her head down and hidden under a hood, during rehearsals for the opening show.

Let us recall that the ceremony is orchestrated by the director of the new production of StarmaniaThomas Jolly. The scenario of the ceremony is kept secret. However, in an interview with Teleramathe artistic director spoke of a party “inclusive, joyful, full of shared humanity. Our diversity reflects the messages of freedom and tolerance that we wanted to send around our reinterpretation of French history.” Values ​​also shared by the singer of Born This Way.

More than a spectacle, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games will be a giant ambulatory performance on the Seine, televised throughout the world, in front of an audience estimated at two billion people.

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