lacking in staff, the Vosges department is counting on its young volunteers



Article written by

S. Valsecchi, JP. Petitcolas, D. Cerna – France 3

France Televisions

In the case of firefighters, the lack of staff is not a new problem. In recent days, firefighters in several cities have sounded the alarm to try to arouse vocations. Illustration in the Vosges where 80 young people have just completed their training.

In Épinal, in the Vosges, several young people are training to become a firefighter. The maneuvers are carried out as close as possible to reality for these future professionals. On that day, 80 young people passed their national certificate of JSP (Young firefighter). Candidates must, for example, evacuate a victim from a second floor. The course lasts four days, in total immersion. “It was exceptional, we all help each other, we complement each other, I love it,” says Jade Albert-Petit.

Aged 15 or 16, they are all driven by this desire to help others. “It’s really what I love about the job, saving people and helping others”, says a young man. Those who have passed the exam will be likely, from Tuesday, November 2, to go into intervention. “It’s a lot of pressure, but we know our maneuvers, so it should be okay”, smiles a young candidate. The Vosges have 2,850 volunteer firefighters. 250 new people are recruited each year, but that is not enough.

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