The Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions was the guest of 8:30 a.m. Franceinfo, Wednesday December 13, 2023.
Reading time: 22 min

Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, Wednesday December 13, 2023. Lack of attending physicians for all ALD patients, timetable for the future law on the end of life… She responded to Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
Attending physician for each ALD patient: “we won’t be there”
Emmanuel Macron had promised this during his wishes to caregivers on January 6, 2023, “the 600,000 patients with a chronic illness will be offered a treating doctor before the end of the year“However, the objective will not be met according to the minister.”We won’t be there” recognizes Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, “but they all received a letter from the National Health Insurance Fund, so they are all identified“.”Some didn’t want to either” as a treating physician, she continues.
“At least 18 months of debate” on the end-of-life bill
“On a subject like this, that is not possible“to have active assistance in dying in 2024, according to the minister, who confirms a presentation of the text of the law on the end of life in February:”it will take a shuttle between the Assembly and the Senate, perhaps another round trip, so it will take at least 18 months of debate“.
The bill will be the subject of a single text, in “Three parties“, explains Agnès Firmin Le Bodo: “palliative care“, “patients’ rights and assisted dying“.
Find the entire interview on 8:30 a.m. franceinfo on Wednesday December 13, 2023 :