Lack of funding | The PLQ asks the Legault government to support the Interligne hotline

The Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ) is putting pressure on the Legault government to ensure the survival of Interligne’s night listening service – formerly Gai Listen.

Liberal MP Jennifer Maccarone, spokesperson for issues affecting LGBTQ + communities, said she will table a motion in support of the organization on Wednesday afternoon at the Blue Room.

It aims to ask the CAQ government to grant the necessary funding so that Interligne can continue to take nighttime distress calls.

Due to a lack of recurring financial assistance, the organization plans to no longer offer its helpline at night as of March 31.

Alongside the Liberal MP, the general manager of Interligne, Pascal Vaillancourt, recalled that a recurring sum of $300,000 would be necessary to ensure the survival of the service between midnight and 8 a.m.

In a press briefing, he also indicated that this amount would make it possible to offer decent salary conditions for his night workers.

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