“Lack of ambition”, this sentence dropped like a bomb by Anne-Sophie Lapix to Emmanuel Macron on France 2!

As the second round approaches, which will be held this Sunday April 24, 2022, the two presidential candidates, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, are campaigning tirelessly. Regarding President of the Republiche was the guest of Anne-Sophie Lapix on the set of 8 p.m. newspaper broadcast on France 2 last Thursday, April 21.

The opportunity for Emmanuel Macron to reconsider its ambitions and its desire to renew its mandate. Retirement age, social measures… The journalist, who would have been ousted from the debate between the two rounds on Wednesday April 20, did not miss the president on an essential subject: ecology, all too often minimized. “We are going to talk about ecology. Yesterday, you called Marine Le Pen a ‘climatosceptic’, she replied that you were a ‘climato-hypocrite'”, she began. Before swinging numbers: “You have passed a law which provides for a 40% reduction in greenhouse gases compared to 1990 by 2030, but Europe has raised this objective to 55%, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, he promised 65%. .”. To then drop a bomb: “Don’t you lack ambition?”.

Marble in the face of this small provocation, the president mentioned his objectives: “No. If we want to meet the objectives set by the IPCC report, that means that we have to go twice as fast as what we have done in the last five years. In the last five years, we have already gone two times faster than what we were doing before,” he said. Without hesitation, Anne-Sophie stood up to Emmanuel Macron in the face of the reality of the situation: “Twice as fast because there are also more imports. And these importing countries produce greenhouse gases…”.

Antoine FM

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