“Lac-Noir”: a revealing music video | The Journal of Montreal

Just before the release of Black Lake, the new crime thriller from Club illico, the Pixcom team is launching the music video of the song Nobody knows it.

Performed in duo by Christian Marc Gendron and Rafaëlle Roy, who both participated in the 2019 edition of The voice, this flagship song of the series was recorded in just a few days.

“There were all sorts of parameters to respect throughout the creative process and the piece had to be approved by different bosses on top of all that,” explained Christian Marc Gendron, who wrote and composed this love song.

Given the health restrictions and time constraints, the singers also had to record their part on their own, while the single was completed during the recording of the music video.

“There were still parts of the song to record, lines to add, lyrics to polish. In addition, Raphaëlle was two or three days away from giving birth, or almost. It definitely added stress, “said the singer-songwriter in an interview with the QMI Agency.

But despite the unorthodox process, Christian Marc Gendron, whose tour of the show Piano Man 2 was put on hold due to the health situation, said he was proud of the result. He also confessed to being a “fan” of Black Lake, for which he composed four other exclusive songs.

“Seeing the series, I tripped. There is a common thread that is a little horror, suspense. It really came to pick me up and I can’t wait to see the reaction of the people who will listen to it,” he said.

His song Nobody knows it is central to the series Black Lake, produced by Pixcom in collaboration with Quebecor Content, and will return many times during the season, said its composer. He is also a great friend of the show’s director, Frédérik D’amours (On your marks… party!, Throw and count) and a lifelong friend of Mario Sévigny, who was in charge of the music on images.

The trio had also collaborated on other projects in the past, including the cult series “Lance et compte”.

Moreover, while writing the lyrics of Nobody knows it, Christian Marc Gendron said he felt the same kind of emotion as when he wrote the music for the scene in which the character of Suzie Lambert (Marina Orsini) passes away, while Marc Gagnon (Marc Messier) won the Stanley Cup with the National in Pittsburgh.

At the time, “I had the script a year in advance and I remember that Frédérik had asked me to do the song so that the team could shoot the scene on the song”, he said. said.

However, for Black Lake, the singer this time had access to the complete episodes and had to compose from the images of the genre series, starring Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin.

The clip of Nobody knows it is available on video platforms.

The first eight episodes of Black Lake will be on Club illico starting February 3.

Waiting for the resumption of his show Piano Man 2, abruptly arrested in December due to the health situation, Christian Marc Gendron will be part of the Without hard feelings, hosted by Pierre-Luc Funk, as singer, host and musician, throughout the month of February.

See also

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