Labor shortage | Two accelerated training courses, scholarships at the end of the day

(Quebec) The Legault government is creating two accelerated training programs, with scholarships, to recruit 2,000 nursing assistants and 3,000 administrative officers responsible for supporting nurses in the health network.

Tommy Chouinard

Tommy Chouinard

The ministers of health (Christian Dubé) and education (Jean-François Roberge) presented the details of these programs on Wednesday, an announcement that follows the mini-budget presented last week.

The accelerated training to become a licensed practical nurse will last 1,800 hours, as is currently the case, but it will be given over a period of 14 months rather than 22. It is a diploma. professional studies.

The training will begin in January and the 2,000 nursing assistants expected will begin work in March 2023. During their training, they will receive grants of $ 20,000, for an investment of $ 48 million. They will have to commit to working for two years to keep the stock market.

With regard to “administrative agents in support of clinical sectors”, Quebec creates an attestation of professional studies. “It will be offered temporarily to regional cohorts of about 22 people, and will last 240 hours, or two months,” said the government. There will be a pilot project in December, in the Gaspé.

Scholarships of $ 4,000 will be awarded to registrants, for a total investment of $ 14 million. They will have to commit to working for at least a year to keep the pot.

The 3,000 agents hoped by Quebec will work from the summer of 2022, it is expected. Quebec aims to send 1,302 to hospitals, 816 to the mental health and youth sectors, 582 to CHSLDs and home support, 300 to emergencies.

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