Labor shortage threatens the opening of a house for women

La Maison de Marthe, the first accommodation in Quebec for women who want to get out of prostitution, is due to open next week. But the labor shortage could delay its opening.

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The establishment still needs one full-time and one part-time worker.

“We have difficulty filling our night positions,” explained the general manager of the Maison de Marthe, Ginette Massé.

The administration ensures that it is able to adapt to the availability of students.

“We are open to interveners, who we also train ourselves, people who study either in special education techniques, social work or police techniques,” says Ms. Massé.

Everything else is tied up so that the resource, a renovated six-bedroom house, can accommodate its first wives.

And the length of stay will vary depending on the needs of the clientele.

“There are women who will be able to leave after three months and everything will be back to normal. We will have supported them in all stages to make them autonomous, ”emphasizes Ginette Massé.

The objective over the next three years is to put in place a comprehensive intervention model and reproduce it throughout Quebec.

To see the full report, watch the video above.

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