Labor shortage: Quebecers worried about seeing more dropouts

The majority of Quebecers (71%) are concerned that young people could be encouraged to work, rather than finish their studies, in the context of a labor shortage, according to a recent Léger poll.

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The results of the survey released Monday also show that more than two-thirds of Quebecers (68%) say that the work-study balance of young people is a subject that concerns them.

Most citizens still consider that obtaining a diploma is important for having a good job, ie 59% of respondents to the survey conducted by the Quebec Network for Educational Success as part of Hooked on School Days.

The survey reveals, however, that one in five Quebecers believes that the diploma has lost its importance since the end of the pandemic (i.e. 19% of respondents).

The benefits of being employed while studying are also found to be beneficial. One out of three Quebecers considers that the greatest advantage of having a part-time job during the school year is to develop young people’s sense of responsibility and autonomy.

The probe was carried out between November 24 and December 1, with 1,000 Quebecers aged between 18 and 59 years old.

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