Labor shortage | QS offers “the Respect Plan” to retain nurses

(Québec) Québec solidaire is proposing “the Respect Plan” to stem the shortage of manpower in the health and social services network, weakened by 18 months of the pandemic. The political party is demanding the adoption of a law on ratios and another on whistleblowers to “fight omertà” in the public network.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque

Québec solidaire’s “Respect Plan” contains “10 pragmatic measures” to improve working conditions in the public network and “guarantee a care offer worthy of the name throughout the network”. The political party figures its targets at 365 million.

“When we talk to caregivers, it is the word that comes up the most,” argued Monday the parliamentary leader of Quebec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, at a press conference.

The political party presented its recommendations while the hiring plan deployed by the Legault government to recruit and retain nurses by offering a bonus of $ 15,000 is far from yielding the expected fruits, believes Quebec solidaire.


Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

Some 864 nurses have been hired in the health network since the start of the recruitment and retention operation six weeks ago. More than 2,713 network workers have also accepted a full-time “upgrade”. The establishments are also negotiating with 3,721 potential candidates.

“Do the math, it’s not enough. For me, it is clear, the Legault-Dubé plan is not working, it must be improved, we must try something else, ”observed Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. According to him, “the failure of compulsory vaccination” is also a symptom of the fact that “the problem remains unresolved” in the public health network.

Québec solidaire wants to tackle the use of private employment agencies – in a three-year plan – and compulsory overtime (TSO). The Legault government also made known this fall its desire to “free itself” from the agencies and put an end to the TSO. For QS, “intentions are not enough” to “break this authoritarian and“ contemptuous ”culture of the network.

In particular, “transparent monitoring” of recourse to the TSO and agencies is required.

The training proposes that the design of work schedules be delegated to caregivers directly, that the presence of nurses in the head of unit positions and that the field of competence of midwives be broadened so that they ‘they can contribute to the network and reduce the workload of nurses.

It is also suggested that health establishments make facilities in the form of childcare centers available to workers “directly at or near the workplace” to promote family-work reconciliation.

“These are not electoral promises that we present,” assured Mr. Nadeau-Dubois. “What we are doing is reaching out to the Legault government,” he added, explaining “bringing into play” a series of “constructive” proposals to improve and make the health network more attractive.

“It’s a collective responsibility,” added the health spokesperson for Québec solidaire, Vincent Marissal. A copy of the “Respect Plan” was sent to the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé. Québec solidaire is also requesting a meeting with the Minister to present the proposals to him.

The cabinet of Minister Dubé believes that Quebec solidaire “smashes open doors” with its proposals. “Time and time again, the Minister of Health has said that decentralization requires a change in culture, not a change in structure,” it was stated.

“From the outset, we should point out that several proposals put forward today by Québec solidaire are recycled from government announcements: to give unfavorable hours to agency staff or to offer bonuses to staff in remote regions,” added his cabinet in A declaration.

A “great attraction” for the regions

We must also propose a solution specific to the regions of Quebec to reduce the perverse effects of the labor shortage in more distant sectors, maintains Québec solidaire. To retain caregivers, Quebec should create “a special status” which would be accompanied by “installation packages”.

This package could include a down payment for the purchase of a house or an amount to cover moving costs, he says. Québec solidaire offers a “region bonus” to welcome interns in the regions and offer reimbursement of plane tickets for the families of caregivers in northern communities.

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