Labor shortage in tourism, catering… where have the employees in these sectors gone?

The arms are missing in many sectors. On the storefronts of restaurants, we can see more and moreJobs. In tourism, we are also looking for seasonal workers.

Many bosses find it difficult to recruit and worry about the summer season who is approaching. Jean Pinard, the director of the Regional Tourism and Leisure Committee (CRTL) of Occitanie shares their fears: “We see restaurateurs adapting their opening hours to the constraints of employees. Some close on weekends, which we have never seen so far.”

“The main constraint, I think, is the schedules, believes Jean Pinard. It’s new and it concerns me because the principle of tourism is to work when the others are on vacation, if we don’t accept this basis, it’s complicated, and I don’t know how we can change that.”

Office hours jobs

But then where do the resigning personnel go? There is of course no single answer, but according to professionals in the sector their former employees start their own business or often go into fields like insurance, real estate particularly.

The president of the UMIH in Haute Garonne, and nightclub owner Ivo Danaf, for example, saw three of his employees go into real estate. After having worked for several years in staggered hours, school holidays and weekends, they often retrain in sectors where the hours are fixed.

It must be said that the health crisis has left these employees a lot of time to reflect and reconsider their careers. This would also explain the many reconversions.

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