labor shortage in Canton’s textile factories




Article written by

A.Miguet, G. Caron, J. Xiong, A.Cao – France 2

France Televisions

China lacks the resources to revive its economy. The factories may raise wages and offer meals to their workers, the younger generations are now turning to less arduous jobs.

How long will Canton, China remain the world’s factory? Close to its textile factory, Chuanyan Tu, a 41-year-old entrepreneur, goes to a parking lot like every morning, looking for workers. He is not the only one. “All these people around me are bosses. We are all in the textile industry, we are all looking for workers “, he confides. Chuanyan You manufactures and sells clothes good market to Europe or the United States. If the order book is full, due to lack of manpower, production does not follow. “It hurts my heart. I have 130 unused sewing machines, and only about 20 people, “ he laments.

According to him, the younger generations prefer less arduous and better paid jobs. Xiao Xu stays at his post 14 hours straight. Paid by the piece, she makes a hundred a day. Here, all employees are entitled to 1h30 lunch break. Meals are paid for by the factory, and the bosses recently increased wages from 1,200 to over 2,000 euros per month at Chuanyan You, but it is insufficient. Young Chinese today prefer service jobs. The cities are also crossed by a constant coming and going of delivery men, the new profession in vogue for non-graduates.

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