Labor Minister Seamus O’Regan positive for COVID-19

(Ottawa) Federal Labor Minister Seamus O’Regan has announced that he has tested positive for COVID-19 following a rapid test.

Mr. O’Regan shared the result of his drug test on Twitter on Monday evening, indicating that he would remain in isolation and that he was following public health instructions.

The minister did not provide details of how or where it was allegedly contaminated. He did not give any indication of his current state of health.

Seamus O’Regan wrote on Twitter that he was grateful for the three doses of COVID-19 vaccine he received, for “the thousands of healthcare workers who keep us safe and for the vigilance of millions. Canadians ”.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly had also announced to have obtained a positive result in a rapid test last week. She added that she would continue her work virtually until her diagnosis was confirmed with a PCR test.

Due to the high level of contagiousness of the Omicron variant, cases of COVID-19 have skyrocketed in Canada in recent days.

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