Labor market | Your reactions to the file “And if the young people were right? »

Marie-Ève ​​Fournier and William Thériault’s file on the labor market, published in the Context section of June 5, did not fail to make our readers react. Here is an overview of the emails received.

Posted at 2:00 p.m.

Not robots

Such an enlightening file, without judgement, and which gives a small smile on the corner of the lips while saying to oneself: they have to guts and from the forehead. At least they are true and they are right to want to live their lives differently, instead of modeling it on the old slavery regime where the employer, not very grateful for his resources, could overnight with a snap of mood to sign him off. In this new turning point, the employee implies, as soon as he takes up his post: you want your company to operate at its maximum, treat me accordingly for the profits that I will make you earn, otherwise bye bye boss, because I am not not a robot, much less your slave.

Marie-Laure Cyr

Social safety nets

Being a 55-year-old X, I wonder if we can maintain social safety nets (health, family support, almost free education, etc.) with these young people working less and at their own pace.

Claude Dansereau

completely reversed

In the mid-1990s, I was working as a business account manager for a major bank. We were brought together across all regions of Quebec to advise us that no one officially had a job, that a restructuring was underway and that we would be notified one of these four of our status. We lived in this “in-between” for several months. When we got our job confirmation, for the majority of us, we were reminded, from time to time, that we were lucky to have a job. The unemployment rate was high, dependent children, a mortgage and car loan to pay… Today, the job market is completely reversed; despite my great understanding and compassion for the serious problems that companies are experiencing, I am still happy that my children benefit from this environment…

Denis Chauvette, Mirabel

Back to reality

Stop taking them for little geniuses, it’s annoying. For the moment, they have the big end of the stick because of the shortage of manpower, but this situation will not last ad vitam æternam. So, what are they going to do next?! It’s a generation hyper sensitive to everything where you have to choose your words so as not to hurt them. Reality will hit them one day and it will hurt.

Christopher LaPier

matter of respect

That’s all well and good, but young people need to show respect for their employers! You can demand working conditions and comply with the rules established on both sides. No question of not showing up on the day of an interview or a job! Rudeness and irresponsibility are at the heart of many problems!

Pierre Lefebvre

Young people are right

We baby boomers have worked so hard. We were on duty when the boss needed us; if it was at 5:15 p.m., well, we stayed until he no longer needed us… even if he had gone to dinner from noon to 2:30 p.m. and had come back a little tipsy… It is the young people who are right: work, yes, but work in a logical way and so that it suits both, boss (company) and employee.

Francine Davis, Boucherville

work to live

I am at the end of my career, I am 56 years old. Yes, I worked very hard and refused promotions to be closer to my family, but, at the same time, there was the judgment of others and the fear of losing my job. I saw the evolution of people who were in place before me and who expected a lot from employees and great availability. Unable to balance family/work. Yes, I’ve had two burnouts in my career and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Young people are right: work to live and not the other way around. You just have to find the in-between to help companies with this change of culture. What will this work bring me (in every sense of the word)? The interview is done by the young people and not by the company. This change in culture brings us back to the true meaning of life, to a certain balance that we, the oldest, did not give them when they were little. Good report. I wish good luck to the young generation.

Nathalie Trudel

The future belongs to them

Instead of criticizing, let’s move forward with them, the future belongs to them. Yes, let’s listen to them, it’s not that crazy. Changing the paradigms of work makes it possible to give the possibility of occupying a function to several people. François Legault is pushing in the opposite direction of what reality shows us, by demanding more full time, he is on the wrong track. The importance is that the work and the responsibilities incumbent on us are done on time. Productivity depends on it and if we don’t take this modern turn while insisting on an outdated model, our situation will get worse. Attachment to a company no longer exists, so employers must get on board to ensure its efficiency and sustainability. Let corporations stop racking their brains to offer fringe benefits to distinguish themselves, let’s return those benefits to the private sector as we need them and focus on changing work performance according to these new priorities.

Lise St-Laurent

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