Lââm, his stepson comes out of the silence: “We had not spoken for 3 years”, he reacts to the death of his father

Life has become a long tumultuous river for Lââm, who has lost half of his heart. November 2, 2021, when she was just getting off the show Dance with the stars, the singer was facing the sudden death of her husband, Robert Suber, who died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 68. These are tears of joy that should have rolled down her cheeks, as she was about to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. But life has, alas, wanted otherwise.

Around Lââm, no son, no daughter to console her. Despite the years shared together, the singer and Robert Suber had not wanted to expand the family. “Never. I don’t want a child, she explained to the site Non Stop People. I love children but I find that it takes courage to do it today. “And yet. What we did not know was that she was a stepmother. Robert Suber had a big boy, from a previous relationship. A certain Breece who had moved away from his father, these years, and who finally took to social media to explain the situation.

If you don’t talk to someone you love anymore because of your ego, close Instagram and go tell them.

My father died a month ago, he writes. If you don’t talk to someone you love anymore because of your ego, shut down Instagram and go tell them. According to some very serious people in the music industry, he was a genius and had the courage to do the right thing in this strange world of show business. Everyone who met him, even for a second, returned to their lives with more force thanks to his words. He could have made a whale believe that it could fly. He and his wife remained in the top of the French pop scene for several years. Despite everything, he was never satisfied. He couldn’t believe in himself and was so stressed that he developed pancreatic cancer. “

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