La Rochelle tackles digital pollution



France 3

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On Monday April 4, the IPCC will unveil new ways to mitigate our greenhouse gas emissions. Digital pollution is in the viewfinder. Report from La Rochelle, where several initiatives have been implemented.

La Rochelle (Charente Maritime) takes on a new challenge: digital pollution. This invisible pollution, caused by screens, PCs and boxes, is nevertheless responsible for 4% greenhouse gas emissions on the planet. This rate could double by 2025. So, in La Rochelle, designers fight with their lines of code so that the websites of the agglomeration are eco-responsible. For example, you have to pay attention to the weight of the files that you put on a site. website: the heavier a site, the more energy it consumes.

For three years, all city officials have been trying to become more digitally sober, printing less, for example. PoTo reduce your carbon footprint, you must above all take an interest in equipment, which pollutes the most. There are three ways to have more eco-responsible equipment: keep it longer, choose it labeled, and finally do not multiply the equipment.

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