Bulk news from the 79e Venice Film Festival.
Posted at 7:00 a.m.
Will Florence Pugh be present?
Because of a most Hollywood psychodrama that has been going on for a few days, one of the most popular events at the Mostra will be the holding of a press conference. Before the official world premiere screening on September 5 of Don’t Worry Darling, the film crew will indeed meet the international press. The question now is whether Florence Pugh, who is the headliner with Harry Styles, will be present. The specialized newspapers are indeed making a big deal out of an alleged disagreement between the director, Olivia Wilde, and the actress, to the point where the latter declared that she no longer wanted to promote the film over the next few weeks. For his part, Shia Labeouf refutes the idea that Harry Styles, who has since become the director’s lover, would have replaced him following a dismissal. The latter claims, with supporting evidence, to have left the project of his own free will. Will we have to call on Jerry Springer to host this conference?
Adam Driver and the Universe of White Noise

Adam Driver at the premiere of White Noisea film by Noah Baumbach, at the 79e Venice Film Festival
Having starred in every Noah Baumbach feature since Frances HaAdam Driver could not really define what, in White Noise, is more in the world of author Don DeLillo or the New York filmmaker, who usually brings original screenplays to the screen. “I did not think in these terms, towards neither one nor the other, declared the actor in a press conference. Many things in the book were adapted by Noah and we rehearsed as we usually do for all his films. This process is similar to what we do in the theater. Although most critics praised the qualities of writing and directing, this abundant adaptation of a novel deemed unsuitable, presented on opening night, received a rather mixed reception.
Noémie Merlant: double observation

Noémie Merlant opposite Cate Blanchett in TAR, a film by Todd Field.
In TARfilm by Todd Field presented Thursday in official competition, Noémie Merlant (Portrait of the girl on fire) embodies Francesca, faithful assistant to the conductor played by Cate Blanchett, a musician at heart who, one day, would like to become as recognized as her boss. “I really like that the story of the film is essentially led by female characters,” said the French actress. I found a certain parallel between my character and me – even if the dynamic is completely different – insofar as Francesca is in the position of an observer who admires the one with whom she works. And me, as an actress, I also took the opportunity to closely observe Cate Blanchett practicing her art. The thought of playing with her was a bit daunting to me at first, but Cate made sure everyone was comfortable and the work environment was healthy. »