“La Petite Bande”, the united and eco-friendly teens of Pierre Salvadori



Article written by

R. Asencio, M. Leroux, Z. Berkous, J. Sarfati, N. Sadok – France 3

France Televisions

The film “La Petite Bande”, by Pierre Salvadori, will be released on screens on Wednesday July 20. The story of a group of green-minded teenagers who decide to rebel and take action against the pollution of a river.

La petite bande, by Pierre Salvadori, tells the story of five slightly lost college students, ready to do anything to save the river in their village, polluted by the nearby factory. All of them have strong convictions despite their young age, typical of a generation for whom protecting the environment is a daily battle. “Now, we must stop raising awareness, we must act. And there, for example, the fact that they are going to burn down a factory, it is a means of acting“, says Colombe Schmidt, actress.

The five teenagers, quickly overwhelmed by events, will have to deal with a kidnapping. If their plan goes wrong, it will bring them closer together, and strengthen their gang spirit. “A band is a group of individuals who find a common interest, a pleasure in being together.“, explains Pierre Salvadori, director. The bands of children in the cinema are a long story, which begins in 1962 with The war of the buttons of Yves Robert, a film which has become cult.

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