la Nupes offers free supplies, canteens and school outings

The bill aims to guarantee “the real free national education, a constitutional principle today which is not guaranteed”, declared Tuesday MP LFI Paul Vannier.

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A text for “guarantee free education”. The New popular ecological and social union (Nupes) presented, Tuesday, August 30 to the National Assembly, a bill aimed at ensuring free supplies, canteens, textbooks and school outings, from kindergarten to high school.

“This bill proposes to guarantee equal conditions of access
and learning for all students by establishing truly free education
cation, by enshrining in the law free canteens, transport, outings
schools, extracurricular activities, textbooks and school supplies in public schools”, specify the text. The total budget for these measures would be 7.9 billion euros.

Because of “inflation on raw materials such as paper pulp”, “families are faced with the increase in the price of school supplies”, from 10 to 40% depending on the case, underlined the deputy La France insoumise Paul Vannier during a press conference. The proposal, signed by 105 deputies of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), aims to guarantee “the real free national education, a constitutional principle today which is not guaranteed”he added.

He also noticed a “heterogeneity” public policies between the different communities. The text would increase the overall allocation of communities.

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