La Grange Ouverte, grocery store with local products in Romagne

The French suddenly turned to local products during the first confinement. It was on this occasion that the adventure of La Grange, opened in Romagne, was born. Initially, the association managed a gîte with the municipality. And then Jean-Sébastien Blanc, who is a member, launches his first collections, he finds himself going to get 300 kg of potatoes, in a 10 kg crate, from a producer. The next day, a volunteer collects orders for cheese.
This is how the sale and distribution of local products started in Romagna. The first week is 21 orders placed, the second, 45. At the end of the first confinement in May 2020, 92 orders must be ensured.

Preparation of the baskets of the La Grange grocery store open in Romagne
Caroline Colon

40 producers, 500 references

A success that forces the association to change organization and status. La Grange Ouverte has become a Cooperative Society of Collective Interest (SCIC). In January 2022, everything is in place to open the shop, which functions as a grocery store and a drive-thru where orders are prepared.
Today, around forty producers fill the shelves and stalls of the Grange Ouverte with 500 references. All products come from Vienne, Charentes and Deux-Sèvres.

Shelves of herbal teas, coffee, laundry detergents and beers at La Grange Ouverte in Romagne
Shelves of herbal teas, coffee, laundry detergents and beers at La Grange Ouverte in Romagne
Jean-Sebastien Blanc

Jean-Sébastien Blanc met all the producers whose products are sold in the grocery store. He does not negotiate prices with them and is transparent about the margin and his salary. The cooperative model of La Grange Ouverte is intended to be resilient in a territory by rethinking the mode of distribution: purchase on site or withdrawal from different depots in southern Vienna.

The Open Barn – 7 route de Sommières – 86700 Romagna
Pick-up locations :
Civray: Friday 5 p.m.-7 p.m.
Couhé: Friday 4 p.m.-6 p.m. with the association L’ouvre Boîte
Kneeling: Friday 5 p.m.-7 p.m. (Town Hall)
Romagna: Thursday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., Friday: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (La Grange Ouverte)

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