La France insoumise, the PS and EELV call for a “big march against high cost of living and climate inaction” on October 16

The Communist Party and the trade unions will not join this initiative, which will take place in Paris, shortly after other marches on the same theme.

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La Nupes in the street, almost complete. La France insoumise, the Socialist Party, EELV and other political and associative organizations called on Friday, September 16, for a “great march against high cost of living and climate inaction”, on October 16, in Paris. The PCF, which wishes to give priority to the unions in the street, does not appear in this appeal.

“This national initiative will be part of the continuity of the mobilizations undertaken by the unions and associations, including the national days of action of September 22 and 29 and the climate mobilization of September 23”, said the organizers. Wage hike, price freeze for energy and basic necessities, immediate tax on super-profits, investment “massive” for a “ecological bifurcation” or even retirement at 60 will be part of the demands of the procession.

The unions had let it be known earlier this week that they would not be part of the call, contrary to what Jean-Luc Mélenchon wanted, who called for the constitution of a new “Popular Front”. “The approach seems a little too closed to us and we don’t want to be taken on fields that are not union-based”explained Solidaires.

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