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The day after the presidential election, Monday, April 25, Jean-Luc Mélenchon poses his pawns for the legislative elections. Several exchanges are already taking place between the left and extreme left parties. Decryption, with the journalist Serge Cimino, live from the headquarters of La France Insoumise.
La France Insoumise has started discussions to be the pivot of the left. “As I speak to you, at the headquarters of France Insoumise, Communists and Insoumis are in the process of tackling a very particular problem: the communists want to discuss around 50 constituencies to be reserved (…) but on the side of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, we also want to talk about a shared political program”, reports the journalist Serge ciminoMonday, April 25.
With EELV, the discussion seems to be more advanced. “We are talking about a program, a constituency, and even a common label to campaign for the legislative elections.“, continues the journalist. A great novelty however, confirmed in the afternoon of April 25: the Socialists and the Insoumis will exchange on Wednesday April 27. Following the score obtained by Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round of the presidential election, the Insoumis are “in a strong position”concludes Serge cimino.