La Costumerie in Thuir, when couture becomes spectacle

The adventure of La Costumerie began in Caixas, almost 20 years ago, in the family farmhouse. The Meunier family harbors handymen, manual workers, creative people, so from the age of 13, Eve developed a passion for sewing. She discovers the basics and then practices on her own. Literary baccalaureate in hand, she followed a training in plastic arts in Montpellier, before integrating for two years a school of costumes in Pézenas (birthplace of Molière).

For the show “Le sel de la révolte” by Encima

In Pézenas, she trained in the creation of historical costumes and stage costumes. The constraints in this area? “The costumes must be solid, pretty and effective. They must withstand several performances, be easy to maintain and repair. And then ostentatious: a flower must be seen from afar, from the first to the last row”, she describes. In her second year at this school, she learned non-textile work. Leather, metal, plastic, she touches all materials.

For the company Cielo and its show "The Water People"
For the company Cielo and its show “Le Peuple de l’eau”

If she has often created for individuals, especially for wedding dresses, today she devotes herself particularly to stage costumes. Limoges or Paris sometimes, because his talent is exported, but it is in Catalan Country that his creations appear on the boards.
A long time dresser for the Compagnie du Gecko, she now collaborates with the Troupuscule, Encima, Cielo and Influences companies. And, very regularly, she intervenes at the Théâtre de l’Archipel as a dresser. Eve also put her science to use in the costume museography of the Château de Castelnou.
And when the demands give her time, Eve plays millinery (creating hats). A breath she loves.

The Costumerie website.

A documentary on the work of Eve Meunier.

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