la Cimade asks for the welcome of all refugees who want to come to France

La Cimade asks France to “facilitate” the reception of Ukrainian refugees and to “significantly strengthen” its reception system, without this preventing other refugees from other countries from also finding accommodation.

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La Cimade calls for the reception of all refugees from Ukraine who want to come to France, in a statement released on Monday February 28, when Russia launched a war by invading Ukraine five days earlier.

The association for active solidarity with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers asks France to “facilitate” their welcome and therefore “significantly strengthen” its reception system so that refugees from Ukraine – whether Ukrainians or not – can be accommodated here, without this preventing other refugees from other countries from also finding accommodation.

“The European Union and France in particular, which currently holds the rotating presidency, cannot ignore this terrible situation. They must enforce international law by guaranteeing that Ukrainians, as well as foreigners who were numerous to study or work there, to be refugees there, obtain protection in the countries of the European Union. This implies urging the countries bordering Ukraine to keep their borders open and to respect the principle of non-refoulement”asks the association more generally.

La Cimade is also calling for a moratorium to be held against deportations to Ukraine and therefore against the detention of Ukrainian nationals.

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