La Cie8 presents #ELP this Thursday, May 12 at the Théâtre de la Ville de Valence

Repeated insults, blows, smear campaigns on social networks… Youth bullying can take many forms. It most often begins in the school environment and continues on social networks. According to the Ministry of National Education, 1 student in 10 experiences harassment that can be described as severe or very severe.

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The Company8 is a professional dance-theatre company based in Valencia, which was created in 2008 and after two creations, it was put on hold for 10 years due to different projects with other companies. In 2020, she resumes her activities with this new creation entitled #ELP

Our guests :

– Caroline Lhuillier Combal and Mickaël Taboyan, co-authors of the play

– Emilie Rival, actress

#ELP makes the link between school bullying, cyberbullying and the influence of social networks. The piece highlights the triangular relationship between the bullies, the bullied and the silent bullies.

#ELP is a dance-theatre piece, musical, physical, spoken, and treated with a dark and grating humor.

#ELP does not claim to stop this scourge of harassment, nor to eradicate the violence committed on the networks; but the desire to point the finger at this practice which is growing from generation to generation.

#ELP is aimed, among others, at teenagers, but also at adults.


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