La Boucherie’s offer accepted, nearly 1,500 employees made redundant

Among the 1,500 laid off employees, around 500 will then be reclassified promises Napaqaro, until now owner of Courtepaille.

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A Courtepaille restaurant in Rosny-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis).  (HAJERA MOHAMMAD / FRANCE-BLEU PARIS)

The Commercial Court of Nanterre validated this Wednesday the partial takeover offer of Courtepaille by La Boucherie, which takes over the franchised restaurants and 10 Courtepaille businesses, franceinfo learned from the buyer. A handful of other establishments are taken over by employees themselves.

1,500 employees made redundant, including 500 reclassified

In total, a hundred Courtepaille restaurants are closing and nearly 1,500 employees are laid off, out of the 2,000 that the brand still had a few months ago (there have since been many resignations).

Among these dismissed employees, around 500 will then be reclassified, promises Napaqaro, until now owner of Courtepaille. The Force Ouvrière union promises to be “extremely careful” on this point, to ensure that the reclassifications will be effective.

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