La Berrichonne wins at Sedan in the Ardennes

La Berri has perfectly negotiated its first stage of a decisive month of March in the race for the rise in league 2. Not the best in the classification (7th) before this meeting, with nine points behind the leader Concarneau and eight points from behind the second Laval, Châteauroux had even been overtaken by his evening opponent, Sedan, the promoted who occupied a very brilliant sixth place.

But at the start of the match, the Castelroussin coach, Mathieu Chabert, innovated in his tactical plan on the lawn of the Louis Dugauguez stadium in very poor condition. The Berrichons start their match in 4-4-2. They are positioned in a diamond shape to destabilize the people of Sedan. And it works because the Berri footballers are present from the start. They monopolize the ball, the only concern is the lack of clear chances 0-0 (13th). Mathieu Chabert’s players are once again fishing in the finish or even in the last gesture like the top scorer Castelroussin Thomas Robinet, well served by Fortuné, but who misses his last control in the middle of the penalty area. The Castelroussins are not lacking in desire or determination but still finish for the moment 0-0 (38th). They join the locker room with this score of 0 to 0.

Thomas Robinet scores his 14th penalty goal in Sedan

In the second half, the twenty-two players returned to the lawn with their feet on the floor, but it was the Castelroussins who scored the first goal. On a breakthrough by Ferris N’Goma, in the penalty area, the former Orléanais was hooked irregularly and the referee Monsieur Leleu did not hesitate and indicated the penalty spot (59th). Thomas Robinet rushes and takes the Sedan goalkeeper on the wrong foot 0-1 (60th). Will La Berri leave the Ardennes with this long-awaited victory?

The first goal of Castelroussin Doucouré (19 years old)

Mathieu Chabert’s players are resisting the Ardennes attacks in defense and will do even better thanks to 19-year-old Siriné Doucouré (1m92). The young striker took advantage of a too soft recovery from the Ardennes defense towards his goalkeeper to, with great composure, score, in the 90th minute, the second goal synonymous with a definitive victory for Castelroussine. La Berri after this success in the Ardennes goes back to 5th place in the ranking.

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