Kylian Mbappé: When his mother hid her already huge salary …

He is now one of the most admired footballers in the world. At only 22 years old, Kylian Mbappé is a phenomenon of precocity, already world champion in 2018, multiple champion of France and undisputed star of the Blues of Didier Deschamps. A fate all mapped out for the boy from Bondy who quickly left the family cocoon to join the Monaco training center, the site of his first exploits. Very early considered as a future great player, the Monegasque club did not hesitate to put their hands in their pockets to offer Benzema’s great friend a good salary.

Well surrounded by his father Wilfried and his mother Fayza Lamari, Kylian Mbappé did not know immediately that he already had a comfortable salary when he was not yet major. “For a long time, in order for him to grow up like an ordinary child, it was hidden from him that he was making a lot of money. At 17, when he turned pro, he was only given 200 euros of pocket money per month when his salary was 85,000 “, she explains in the December 16, 2021 issue of Paris Match, which Kylian Mbappé covers.

He had, for example, never withdrawn money with a Carte Bleue before having his own, a year ago

Protected from the financial aspect of his career, the Paris Saint-Germain striker did not finally discover certain things until very late. “We laugh about it, but he knows nothing about most of the mundane things in our ordinary lives. He had, for example, never withdrawn money with a Carte Bleue before having his own, a year ago “, adds his mother. Far from the rhinestones and sequins of the life of millionaires in football, Kylian Mbappé especially appreciates the simple pleasures. “At Christmas, which we will spend as always with the family, there will be salmon, foie gras; but Kylian, you can be sure that he will only eat junk food. He has no luxury tastes “, concludes Fayza Lamari.

If money is of course something important to him, Kylian Mbappé does not make it an obsession. “I have a quiet relationship with money : I know it’s important, I’m happy to have it, but that’s not what drives me every second of the day “, he assures. He also intends to put this aspect second for the rest of his career: “It’s the life experience that counts, more than making money, even if it is important, because we have families to shelter “.

Next to his activity as a professional footballer, Kylian Mbappé has just released a comic strip that tells his story. In My name is kylian he tells his story, from Bondy’s little child to the Paris Saint-Germain star he has become today. Recently released, the footballer is proud of it.

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