Kylian Mbappé speaks out to call for calm after the riots linked to the death of Nahel

It is in Miami that Kylian Mbappé decided to put down his suitcases, the time of his short vacation. After a season full of performances, the famous football player is taking advantage of his few days off before resuming training to prepare for the new year.

Despite this, the PSG player remains concerned about the chaotic situation in his country, with riots, demonstrations and breakage currently the norm in Île-de-France, following the death of Nahel, a 17-year-old teenager killed by a police officer during a simple roadside check.

“Like all French people, we were marked and shocked by the death of young Nahel. First of all, our thoughts go to him and his family to whom we offer our sincere condolences,” he began.

“Since this tragic event, we have witnessed the expression of popular anger, the substance of which we understand, but the form of which we cannot endorse. we also share them. But to this suffering is added that of assisting powerless in a real process of self-destruction. Violence solves nothing, even less when it turns ineluctably and tirelessly against those who express it, their families, relatives and neighbours,” he said.

“Working for the return of peace in our cities”

Very clearly, Kylian Mbappé then called for appeasement and an end to the destruction of infrastructure of all kinds. “Our civic awareness encourages us to call for appeasement, awareness and accountability. That of social actors, parents, older or younger brothers, sisters in our neighborhoods, who must work to restore peace in our cities”.

And to conclude: “The time of violence must end to give way to that of mourning, dialogue and reconstruction.


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