Kylian Mbappé opens the scoring from the penalty spot!

Paris-Saint-Germain host Benfica Lisbon on Tuesday for their fourth Champions League game this season.

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A golden opportunity. Co-leader of its Champions League group, Paris-Saint-Germain already have the opportunity to qualify for the round of 16 on Tuesday, October 11, in the event of victory against Benfica Lisbon, during the fourth day of the C1.

This opportunity was given by Juventus Turin, which lost on the lawn of Maccabi Haifa (2-0). The Parisians and the Lisboans already having seven points, the winner of the evening could count ten and therefore already be assured of finishing second in the group in the worst case.

Held in check on the lawn of the Lisboètes (1-1), the Parisians followed up with another draw in Reims on Saturday (0-0), and have just entered a new autumn crisis, around the request of Kylian Mbappé to leave the club this winter, revealed in the press a few hours before the kick-off of the match on Tuesday.

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