kyiv uses more ammunition than NATO produces, assures its secretary general

What there is to know

The Ukrainian forces consume a quantity of ammunition far superior to the production of NATO allies. These must imperatively increase their rate of manufacture, warned Monday, February 13 the Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg. “This puts our defense industries under pressure”, he launched during a press conference, on the eve of a meeting of NATO Defense Ministers. Follow our live.

“Complicated” situation north of Bakhmout. “The village of Paraskoviïvka faces heavy shelling and assaults”, said the Ukrainian presidency in its daily report. The locality is the next on the road going down to Bakhmout, in the immediate vicinity of that of Krasna Gora, whose capture was claimed on Sunday by the boss of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner. The Russians have been trying to capture Bakhmout since the summer, at the cost of heavy casualties on both sides and great destruction.

Berlusconi attacks Zelensky. The former Italian Prime Minister, whose political movement is part of the government coalition, launched a full-scale attack on the Ukrainian president on Sunday. “It was enough for him (Volodomyr Zelensky) to stop attacking the two autonomous republics of Donbass and all this would not have happened. Therefore, I judge the behavior of this gentleman very, very negatively”he said.

Meloni confirms Italy’s “firm” support for Ukraine. Shortly after these declarations, the government of Giorgia Meloni issued a press release to reaffirm the “firm support” from Italy to Ukraine. “The support of the Italian government for Ukraine is firm and convinced, as clearly foreseen in the program and as confirmed by all the parliamentary votes of the majority supporting the executive”is it written.

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