kyiv must have the military capacity to “neutralize” the bases in Russia from which missiles are fired, says Emmanuel Macron

kyiv’s allies are questioning the legitimacy of using Western weapons on Russian territory, while northeastern Ukraine is targeted by constant bombings.


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Emmanuel Macron shows a map of the Russian offensive in Ukraine, May 28, 2024 in Gransee (Germany).  (MICHAEL KAPPELER / DPA / AFP)

The debate is in full swing over the use of Western weapons in Russia. Emmanuel Macron, for his part, considered that kyiv should be allowed to “neutralize” the military bases from which Russia fires its missiles against Ukrainian territory, Tuesday May 28. “If we tell them you do not have the right to reach the point from which the missiles are fired, in fact we tell them, we are delivering weapons to you but you cannot defend yourself,” pointed out the French president, on the last day of a state visit to Germany. “But we must not allow other targets in Russia and obviously civilian capabilities to be hit”he said alongside Chancellor Olaf Scholz, during a press conference at Meseberg Castle, near Berlin.

The issue divides Ukraine’s allies. Rome and Berlin, in particular, brandish the risk of escalation, of extension of the conflict, with the risk of the use of nuclear weapons by Russian President Vladimir Putin. “We don’t want escalation”repeated Emmanuel Macron. “What has changed is that Russia has adapted its practices a little” and attacks Ukraine from bases in Russia. The chancellor remained more evasive. “Ukraine has every possibility to do so, under international law”did he declare. “It must be said clearly, she is attacked and can defend herself.”

NATO is pushing Western capitals to lift restrictions that “tie our hands behind the backs of Ukrainians”, in the words of its secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg. On Tuesday, the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell urged the 27 of the EU to find a balance between fear of an escalation and the need for the Ukrainians to defend themselves, judging that kyiv must be able to strike Russian soil with Western weapons . Meanwhile, Ukraine’s second city, Kharkiv, remains under constant bombardment by the Russian army.

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