kyiv, Lviv, Dnipro… Russia bombs several cities across the country

A response from Russia after the sabotage of the Crimean bridge? The Ukrainian army affirmed, Monday, October 10, that Russia had launched 75 missiles on Ukraine, during a campaign bombardments on several cities of the country. “In the morning, the aggressor launched 75 missiles of which 41 were shot down by our air defense”said the Ukrainian commander-in-chief on Telegram, adding that Russia had also used “combat drones”. kyiv, Lviv, Dnipro or even Zaporijjia were targeted. Regions across the country have been affected.

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“They want panic and chaos, they want to destroy the energy system”Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video posted on social networks, filmed in the city center of the capital. “The enemy wants us to be afraid, for people to flee, but we can only go forward and we show it on the battlefield”he added, calling on Ukrainians to stay in their shelters.

British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly ruled “unacceptable” Russian bombings. “It’s proof of Putin’s weakness, not strength”he wrote on Twitter (in English)adding that he had spoken to his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba to assure him of the “moral and concrete support” from the United Kingdom.

“We are really in the pure definition of a war crime” because the Russian strikes on kyiv are aimed “purely and simply civilian objectives”European Commissioner Didier Reynders, who has been in the Ukrainian capital since Sunday, as part of his mission to monitor war crimes in Ukraine since the outbreak of the Russian invasion, told franceinfo.

“What is totally unacceptable is really this way of systematically attacking civilian populations.”

European Commissioner Didier Reynders

on franceinfo

“We see it by visiting the sites that have already been hit in recent months and by seeing what is happening today where bombs, missiles are falling all over the territory indiscriminately”he concludes.

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