kyiv commemorates the 500th day of the conflict


Video length: 2 min.


500 days ago, on February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin launched a “special operation” on Ukrainian soil. If the Russian troops initially advanced quickly, without conquering kyiv, they finally had to take refuge in the east of the country.

Like every day, Saturday July 8 is marked in Ukraine by new bombardments in the east of the country. Eight people were killed. It was also time for meditation. Serpents’ Island, a symbol of Ukrainian resistance, was chosen by President Volodymyr Zelensky to commemorate Ukrainians dead or alive who have fought since the war began 500 days ago.

The Russian invasion launched on February 24, 2022

Thank you. Thank you to everyone who fights for Ukraine. Let’s fight for this freedom, which all our heroes from different eras have wanted and which must be won now“, he said in particular. On February 24, 2022, emergency sirens sounded in several cities of the country. The Russian invasion, described as “special operation” by Russian President Vladimir Putin, was then launched. If Moscow managed to move quickly in the first days, the Russians failed to reach kyiv, the capital. They had to resolve to retreat in April. The Russian troops leave behind them scenes of horror, especially in Boutcha.

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