kyiv claims to have shot down “Russian balloons” over the capital

What there is to know

Russian spy balloons in Ukrainian skies? Ukraine announced on Wednesday February 14 that it had shot down several “balloons” sent by Russia to test its air defense systems in kyiv. “According to preliminary information, half a dozen aerial objects were detected in Kyiv airspace, said the regional military administration of the Ukrainian capital. It is possible that these objects carried reflective systems and some spy equipment.” Follow our live.

The signs of a new Russian offensive. Bombing of energy infrastructure, fighting in the East, concerns of the United States… Ukraine fears that a new stage in the war will soon be reached.

Moldova is also worried. On Tuesday, neighboring Moldova briefly closed its airspace due to the presence of a “flying object resembling a weather balloon”in a context of heightened tensions with Moscow.

Can China become an ally of Ukraine? Emmanuel Macron and the head of Chinese diplomacy Wang Yi expressed on Wednesday January 15, during a meeting in Paris, “the same objective of contributing to peace” in Ukraine “in accordance with international law”, said the Elysée. Emmanuel Macron does not hide his hope that Beijing, an important ally of Moscow, will put pressure on Russia to return to the “negotiating table”.

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