kyiv claims strike on Russian fleet HQ in Crimea

Ukraine claimed Friday September 22 a “successful strike” at the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, in Sevastopol, in annexed Crimea. The Russian Defense Ministry, which initially announced the death of a soldier, then clarified that he was missing.

This Ukrainian region annexed by Moscow in 2014 is at the heart of the Russian military system for its invasion of Ukraine, both to supply the troops occupying southern Ukraine and to carry out missile strikes from the sea. Follow our live stream.

Canada renews its support for Ukraine. Canada will support Ukraine “as long as it takes”, said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Ottawa. He announced a new aid package to kyiv worth 650 million Canadian dollars (452 ​​million euros) over three years. It includes some 50 armored vehicles and the training of Ukrainian pilots in F-16 fighter jets.

One dead and 15 injured in Kremenchuk. At least one person was killed and 15 injured, including a child, on Friday in a Russian strike targeting the city of Kremenchuk, in central Ukraine, the regional governor announced on Telegram. “Civilian infrastructure has been affected”he detailed.

The quest for protection against drones. As drones have taken a central place in the war in Ukraine, officials from NATO and defense companies are meeting this week at the Vredepeel military base in the Netherlands. Objective: to find products supposed to counter almost all threats, from commercially purchased drones to the Iranian Shahed 136 used by the Russian army.

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