kyiv and Moscow exchanged more than 200 prisoners of war

What there is to know

A first for more than a month. Ukraine and Russia announced, Monday, April 10, having carried out a new exchange of prisoners of war concerning more than 100 soldiers on each side. The Russian Defense Ministry reported the repatriation of 106 Russian soldiers, who it said were “in mortal danger” during their detention. The head of the Ukrainian presidential administration, Andriï Iermak, announced the return of 100 soldiers to Ukraine. Follow our live.

The leader of the Russian occupation of Donetsk visited Bakhmout. Denis Pushilin moved to the city which has become the epicenter of the fighting in Ukraine, and where the Russians seem to be advancing, according to a video published on Monday. “Here is our Artyomovsk [nom russe de Bakhmout] being released by [le groupe paramilitaire russe] Wagner. The enemy does not spare the city, nor his people, pushing them into a meat grinder”, he says in this short, undated video.

Children from the Kherson region returning to Ukraine. Twenty-four children have returned to Ukraine after being illegally taken to Russia, the governor of the Kherson administration announced on Telegram on Monday, Oleksandr Prokudin. “The Russians interrogated the parents of the children for 13 hours, then forced them to participate in a propaganda report. But the main thing is that now the children are at home, with their relatives”writes the local official.

Washington is trying to assess the risks associated with the leak of classified documents. The United States launched a “inter-agency cooperation” For “assess the impact that [la fuite de] these photographed documents could have on national security and on our allies and partners”, the Pentagon announced on Sunday, April 9. This leak of secret documents, revealed last week by the New York Timesrelates in particular to assessments and reports of the American intelligence services linked to the war in Ukraine, but also to the allies of the United States.

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