Kyiv again targeted by Russian attacks overnight

The Ukrainian air force announced on Sunday that it had shot down three cruise missiles and eight drones deployed overnight by Russian forces in attacks, the drones having notably targeted Kyiv for the first time in 12 days.

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“All aerial targets – 8 Shahed-136/131 attack UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicle) and 3 Kalibr cruise missiles – were destroyed!”, the Ukrainian Air Force said.

“Eight Shahed (Iranian-made, editor’s note) were launched from the southeast and three Kalibr missiles were launched from the Black Sea,” the air force added in a statement.

A man was injured in the leg and three private houses were damaged by falling debris in the Kyiv region, according to Ruslan Kravchenko, head of the Kyiv regional military administration.

Russia has intensified its nightly bombardments against Ukraine with explosive drones and missiles since May, while Kyiv began its long-awaited counter-offensive in the east and south occupied by Russian troops in early June.

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