kyiv accuses Russia of having carried out “one of the most massive strikes” since the start of the conflict with a hundred missiles fired

The bombings targeted “energy infrastructure”, according to the Ukrainian presidency, causing numerous power cuts.

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Russia fired “one hundred” missile strikes over Ukraine on Tuesday (November 15th) hitting several critical energy infrastructures in different regions, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force said. These shots, more numerous than the 83 recorded on October 10, constitute “one of the most massive strikes since the beginning of the war”he added.

A few days after a humiliating withdrawal of Russian forces from Kherson, “Russian terrorists have carried out a new planned attack on energy infrastructure”, accused the Ukrainian presidency. According to the army, the shootings took place “from the Caspian Sea”, “the Rostov region” and “the black Sea”. A large part of the missiles could be intercepted by the anti-aircraft defense.

In kyiv, where two residential buildings were hit, “Rescue services found the body of a deceased person”according to Vitaly Klitschko, the mayor of the capital. “At least half of the inhabitants are without electricity.” The national operator Ukrenergo “triggered emergency power cuts across Ukraine”especially in kyiv, “to balance the network”, he added. The Ukrainian presidency has referred to a situation “critical” in all the countries.

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