Kristofer eliminated from Don’t forget the words and deprived of his winnings: his funny reminder shot at Nagui

Liane Lazaar is a web editor attached to the TV division of She knows as much about the career of Jean-Pierre Pernaut on TF1 as the latest twists of reality TV candidates and has a strong taste for heart stories.

A few weeks after his elimination from “Don’t forget the lyrics”, Kristofer is still in great demand from the media. During a new interview, the sparkling Belgian revealed that he had not yet received his winnings. And his impatience begins to grow.

After a month of adventure in Do not forget the lyrics and 39 victories, Kristofer unfortunately got kicked out. The young 24-year-old Belgian has nevertheless entered the history of the game by winning seventh place in the ranking of the greatest Maestros. But above all, he won the handsome sum of €309,000. Finally, this is what is expected because Kristofer can not really enjoy his money yet.

I don’t have the money in my account yeti hope it will happen soon“, he said during an interview for VivaCité Radio on Thursday, May 5, 2022. And to add with impatience and humor: “Every day I’m on my banking application. There are still 23 cents left!“For the transfer to happen faster, the player who was the darling of France 2 viewers throughout the month of April then launched a funny appeal to Nagui, the host of Do not forget the lyrics. “He must pay me 309,000 euros… plus all his gratitude and honor…“, he had fun recalling. The message got through!

In any case, Kristofer would never have thought of living such an adventure or earning so much money. But now at the head of a small fortune, the one who flirted with a spectator of the show has already thought about how he was going to spend it. And this with good intelligence. “The first plans were to resume piano lessons. I did 11 years of piano so I would like to take lessons again in a conservatory in Brussels or in another country, after my studies. As I have a lot of money, I think I will invest it in real estate. It is symbolic money. I’ve worked hard for that money and I’m so lucky that I don’t want to waste it. I will therefore invest a large part in real estate“, he announced during his passage on South Radio on April 26. Kristofer has also announced its intention to offer a share of its earnings to associations.

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