Kristofer (Don’t forget the lyrics) makes an announcement, Nagui “very embarrassed”…

He is the new Maestro of Do not forget the lyrics. Kristofer, a 24-year-old Belgian student, never stops winning. Wednesday April 20, 2022, he accumulated 248,000 euros in earnings. And as he was about to cross the symbolic threshold of 30 successes in the France 2 broadcast, he made a major revelation on the set, facing Nagui.

I have boat phobia. A little seasick, but phobia is a bit like people who are afraid of flying. Me it’s the boat, I can’t take it, I prefer to take the plane. It’s impossible for mesays Kristofer. I took the boat only once it was a horrible experience“, he said. A confidence that did not fall on deaf ears. Indeed, Nagui remembers that a trip will soon be up for grabs in Do not forget the lyrics… and that it could be a cruise! “We are very embarrassedyou are at 28 victories, in 2 victories there is a trip to offer you, a week… I tell myself that if it’s a cruise we’re in trouble, it’s the worst possible gift“, launches the lover of Mélanie Page. For his part, the Maestro already knows how to handle such a situation. “I won’t, I’ll give it to friends but I won’t, no no no“, he declares.

Finally, the scenario will not happen! Indeed, before the end of the show, Kristofer passed this famous level of 30 victories. And the production decided to offer him a one-week dream trip to Reunion Island. No cruise in sight, but a superb vacation in a luxury hotel! Phew! A gift that deeply moved the Maestro, who burst into tears in Nagui’s arms. It’s incredible. I saw myself leaving once again. It’s huge !“, he confides. His elimination from Do not forget the lyrics, it’s not for now! After overtaking Violaine, the former number 1, by integrating the top 10 of the biggest winners, Kristofer could well dethrone Margaux, also champion! To be continued…

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