Kristofer (Don’t forget the lyrics) as a couple? Nagui’s favorite makes astonishing revelations!

He accompanied the dinners of many viewers for several days. From the top of his 24 years, he impressed all the fans of Do not forget the lyrics by his singing talent, but above all his astonishing ability to retain the words of hundreds of songs. However, this same ability was not enough for Kristofer to prevent him from taking the door on April 26 when he faced Caroline, already a candidate in Nagui’s program in 2013.

A defeat that saddened many internet users. The latter were quick to react and wish the best to Kristofer for the rest of his life. Despite everything, the one who becomes the 7th greatest of the maestros of Do not forget the lyrics don’t leave empty-handed, far from it. Given that he pocketed 309,000 euros thanks to his numerous victories. A significant gain that allows him to see it coming.

Kristofer “on the market”?

It is perhaps for this reason that the candidate was not so sad to leave the adventure according to his remarks made during an interview granted to Current wife. “I wasn’t sad, I wasn’t crying. I was even relieved and very happy for Caroline, the person who eliminated me. I didn’t expect to go so far in the competition. J I still had a little twinge in my heart, but I left with peace of mind”reveals the now ex-candidate of Do not forget the lyrics.

If he is now “free”, in the sense that he will no longer have to perform the show on France 2, is Kristofer also free in his love life? This is the question most of his fans are asking. The young man of 24 years gave himself up precisely on this subject by making an astonishing revelation. “I do not have time”he confesses at first before specifying: “I don’t plan to fall in love in the next few months because I’m more taken up with my artistic projects and my studies. That’s what drives me above all at the moment, not a sentimental relationship”. In the event that viewers have had a crush on the candidate, they will have to wait before they can try their luck.

See also: “They do not assume”! Nagui (Don’t forget the lyrics) attacks Amir and Jenifer…


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