Kristen Bell, Camila Cabello, Beyoncé… These stars have had very bad experiences with Uber!

The stars may have the most beautiful cars in the world and valets to drive them, but sometimes they use Uber for their trips. Some have already had very bad experiences with the VTC service. To start with Camila Cabelloreadjusted by a driver. “I love the movie (La la land) because I’m a hopeless romantic. It made me feel like I could meet anyone anywheretold the singer in the columns of the magazine Billboard in 2017. For example, yesterday I asked my Uber driver for his number. Because we were talking about the movie and he said to me, “I’m getting out of a relationship”. He sounded like a hopeless romantic. And I was like, ‘You know what? I’ll take his number. He never answered me. I do not know. Maybe it didn’t work.”

Next comes Kristen Bell, the star of 2015’s “Veronica Mars.” The actress live-tweeted an Uber ride-turned-karaoke ride with the hashtag #ubercarpool. “If I’m not home in 10 minutes call the police and tell them I was last seen in a Honda Accord with two mute men,” she wrote. ‘Take my hand, well make it wear. uhhhUUHH! livin on a prayer!’ He seems to know all the lyrics to the verses as well. Quite impressive”she was amused.

Kanye West hasn’t really had a bad experience with Uber since his driver never came to pick him up. In 2016, while leaving a gym in Los Angeles, Kim Kardashian’s ex-husband waited so long for his driver that he ended up being driven home by a paparazzi.

In fourth place in our selection, Martha StewartAmerican businesswoman at the head of the magazine Martha Stewart Living and whose first Uber ride turned out to be a disaster. It was November 2018 in New York, the car was in a mess, the driver was not at the address indicated, for a one-hour trip that could have been greatly shortened… She had reported this bad experience on his Instagram account.

And now Beyoncé whose movements have been spied on by the VTC giant, as indicated by a former employee of the company. This is Ward Spangenberg, who was in charge of IT security at Uber, who after being wrongfully fired, said that thanks to the data collected by the application, employees tracked down politicians and celebrities , including Beyoncé.

Big scare also for the presenter of the talk show Busy Tonighta.k.a Busy Phillipsin 2017. As she and husband husband Marc Silverstein were riding in an Uber, a stranger was in the back of the car. “I said to my husband, ‘Oh, that guy was weird. Are you sure he’s not going to kill us?’ And then, in the back, a voice said to me, ‘I promise you this won’t happen’ and there was just a creepy, scary guy in the back of the Uber.”she commented in Instagram stories.

“The Uber driver is currently freaking out about there being a ‘celebrity passenger’ right before me”had written in 2016 the singer Lorde in a series of live tweets from his run. More fun anecdote from the Youtubeur Tyler Oakley who was also live-tweeting from his Uber in 2015. “My Uber driver gets so many Grindr notifications, his phone keeps turning off. Take that dick, live your dream”he had written.

For the actress Gabrielle Union, that’s a whole other story. “Trying to be responsible by using Uber and seeing our driver asking us to use our restroom“, she had shared in 2020. Before continuing: “15/20 minutes later, the guy dropped a poo“.

And finally the model Tess Holidaywhich boycotted Uber in 2017 after being body-shamed on one of its rides. “My driver, who is fat, asks me if I am in good health”she said on Instagram in a live video from her Uber. “My cholesterol is good, I’m perfect”, you could hear him answer. She then rose up against society. “Hey @uber I’m not paying extra to use your ‘black car’ service only to be told there’s no way I’m healthy because I’m fat and we then question me. No one should have to put up with that, no matter what level of services you offer. I’m fat. I also have a big wallet and I won’t use your services again. Ever.”she wrote in the caption of her publication.

Antoine FM

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