Koh Lanta’s final leaves us hungry

Koh Lanta’s 20th season ended Tuesday on TF1. Due to the cheating of several candidates, none of them was named the winner. And that did not escape Olivia Leray.

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This is the info we could not miss, Tuesday December 14: lhe finale of the adventure game “Koh Lanta”, on TF1. So it was a great night for any self-respecting fan. It all started as usual: the show started at 9:72 p.m., after 362 commercials. At that time, Denis Brogniart assures us that in the end, there will be only one left. First lie. Because, ultimately, this season, there will be none. The show did not designate a winner because of several cheating.

First there was that of Teheiura, the show’s legend, who had food delivered by a fisherman from a nearby island. Then, that of Claude and Laurent, the two finalists, who according to The Parisian threatened the production to go on strike if it did not give them pain au chocolat. We were therefore like crazy, waiting for explanations … And the rest is to listen with Olivia Leray.

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