Koh Lanta’s 20th season ends without a winner, the award given to an association fighting against cancer

This decision comes as several media have echoed cheating during the game.

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Unheard of in 20 years of adventures. During thehe final of Koh Lanta, broadcast Tuesday, December 14, on TF1, host Denis Brogniart announced that no winner will be designated, due to shortcomings noted by the production. In the absence of a winner, the entire planned reward, i.e. 100,000 euros, will be paid to the funds for Bertrand-Kamal. Named after a former candidate for the show, who died of cancer in 2020 at the age of 30, this association is dedicated to pancreatic cancer research.

Several media, including The Parisian, echoed the cheating observed by the production after the end of the adventure. Several candidates are accused of having collected food on several occasions and by different means, while this is strictly prohibited by the regulations.

If no one won this edition, TF1 nevertheless showed the votes of the final jury. The adventurer Claude, who had never won Koh Lanta in four participations, may have regrets. And for good reason, he would have won this final in the event of a count.


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