Koh-Lanta: Two candidates finally married, dress and photos of the ceremony

This is news that is well worth all the totems! Mathilde and Romain, two former candidates from Koh Lanta, passed the ring on their finger. This Friday, July 29, the couple headed for the town of Saint-André-des-Alpes in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence to get married, surrounded by his many friends and all his relatives. If the gentleman was very elegant in a sober suit, the young woman had bet on a white linen dress very split very simple but no less magnificent. Outfit she had accompanied by golden sandals and a beautiful bouquet of yellow flowers. Kisses, exits hand in hand from the town hall and tender looks, no doubt about the fact that Mathilde and Romain spent one of the most beautiful days of their lives.

On September 12, Romain threw himself into the water asking for the hand of his sweetheart in a mountain setting, as Mathilde had revealed on his Instagram account: “Here. Since the first day“, she wrote in the caption. A few months will therefore have been enough for them to prepare this first ceremony as well as possible. Because according to information from relatives in their Instagram stories (see slideshow), another party is in preparation.

On one of the photos taken of the newlyweds are inscribed their two names, joined to the mention “Act I“. This July 29 should therefore not be the only day synonymous with great happiness for Mathilde and Romain, for whom the stress has only increased over the past few days: “Every night when I go to bed, I tell myself that everything is going to be finesaid Mathilde. Not perfectly, because no one is, but whatever. That it’s up to the newlyweds to set the tone, and that we’re definitely going to set the tempo. That in truth, at the very end, what matters is that we love each other; that we are surrounded by people who love us and that we unite for eternity.”

Before falling into each other’s arms, the newlyweds shared their lives with former candidates. Romain was in love with Laureen, ex-adventurer of the show. Mathilde, meanwhile, had formed a mythical couple with Bastien, participant of the season Koh Lanta Cambodia, before a painful separation. If the beautiful brunette advanced reality TV as a cause of rupture, Bastien had allowed himself to qualify: “Reality TV isn’t the problem. It’s just that when I had all these proposals, we came to ask ourselves, to talk about the future. Me, at my age, I don’t want to worry about a permanent job, especially with the opportunities we have today.” An irrevocable sentence.

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