Koh-Lanta: Pee on the pole, simultaneous fall … The worst fails of the event

They were twenty-four in Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem. They are now only four to access the mythical and last test of the game: Jean-Charles, Géraldine, François and Bastien. And in the end, only one will remain. After spending more than a month in survival conditions, the foursome are on a mission to hold out as long as possible on poles planted in the open ocean. An exercise that requires great concentration, balance… and which sometimes puts adventurers in all their states!

If some have held on for hours on their post, others have been the victim of small incidents. This is how two Robinson apprentices managed to reach the very end of Koh Lanta… to finally achieve the worst records in the history of the event! Francis (season 5, in 2005) as well as François-David (season 6, in 2006) did not hold their balance for long. In effect, the two men fell in less than 2 minutes! A feat far from that of Amel, winner of the second season, who held 5:17 on a first version of the posts.

A few seasons later, another fail terrified viewers. In 2017, in Koh Lanta Fiji, the three finalists had become close friends. André, Magalie and Tiffany were then delighted to compete in this last event against each other. It is together that they spent the adventure, and together that they ended it, therefore! And we do not believe so well to say: after more than 2 hours of testing, the trio fell at the same time, a handful of seconds apart !

Standing for so long in the sun (or sometimes in the rain), with only water available in the water bottle, is not easy. It is also at this moment that pressing desires arise… Several of them have urinated on themselves in the middle of the game ! In 2010, in an All Stars edition where former candidates faced well-known athletes, Grégoire took the risk of turning his back on the camera in order to relieve himself in the middle of the ocean! Same for Jeremy (Treasure Islandin 2016) was made “peed on it three times“, just like Benoît winner of the same edition!

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